I was looking for a decent shag bag to help pick up the balls on the chipping practice green when I spotted this one on Amazon. The price was right and it appeared to be well made (not plastic). On this purchase, I did the right thing. It's great.
I usually carry about 50 golf balls in it and just dump them around the green in different locations. After chipping them towards the hole (or trying), the shag bag goes with me to collect them. Much easier than picking them up by hand (I'm not a spring chicken, Medicare is my doctor) or batting them back to the side (then having to chase them around again).
I had looked at several from other sources and they were either quite a bit more expensive and/or made with plastic parts. This bag is sturdy, well made and easy to use. I've picked up well more than 1,000 balls and it works very well.
I would highly recommend this one to any golfer serious enough to practice his/her short game.
Get more detail about InTech Shag Bag (Red).
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