I am extremely impressed with the quality of this bag. May not have as many pockets as other bags in this price range, however the craftsmanship is spot on, and the set up is perfect. I compared this bag with a few others in the price range, Ogio, Bagboy, Burton and this one is much nicer, and most importantly lighter. This Izzo straps make the bag very comfortable to carry. The dual axis stand system allows the bag to sit nicely on any surface. Also, this bag can sit straight up and not tip, like a cart bag, and has shock absorbers that stabilize your clubs when riding. This is another great product by Callaway! If you are a walker who does not want to sacrifice quality and features for a reasonably lightweight bag, this is by far your best option. Plus you will love the magnetic ball pocket, and well placed water bottle slot!Get more detail about Callaway X Series Stand Bag.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Callaway X Series Stand Bag
I am extremely impressed with the quality of this bag. May not have as many pockets as other bags in this price range, however the craftsmanship is spot on, and the set up is perfect. I compared this bag with a few others in the price range, Ogio, Bagboy, Burton and this one is much nicer, and most importantly lighter. This Izzo straps make the bag very comfortable to carry. The dual axis stand system allows the bag to sit nicely on any surface. Also, this bag can sit straight up and not tip, like a cart bag, and has shock absorbers that stabilize your clubs when riding. This is another great product by Callaway! If you are a walker who does not want to sacrifice quality and features for a reasonably lightweight bag, this is by far your best option. Plus you will love the magnetic ball pocket, and well placed water bottle slot!Get more detail about Callaway X Series Stand Bag.
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