Plus: Price! Irons, Wedges, Hybrids, the putter. Have played with these for a short year, and find it a good beginners set. The irons are suprisngly good to play with. My fav is the wedges. I have played good on the green with the putter. Even these days, I am bringing this putter AND my Odyssey White Ice...
Minus: The bag. It does it's job and is lightweight. Looks and feels a bit cheap. MAybe because it is? Woods - these are actually not too easy to hit perfect with. And when you do it don't launch, just plays average. The Driver - "the slicemaster". I am a beginner, but after I changed to a better driver, my slices was reduced to manageble. With the driver here, not a chance.
Total a decent product for the beginner and the occasional golfer for a bargain price.Get more detail about Top Flite XL 5000 Box Full Set.
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